Ankle Injury: Types, Causes & Prevention

Medically Reviewed By : Dr Sravya, MBBS, MS 


An ankle injury can result from damage to bone, ligament, or tendon. The talus of your
foot, the fibula, and the tibia of your lower leg are all joined by the ankle. Ligaments,
which are powerful, elastic bands of connective tissue that support appropriate ankle
motion, hold these bones together at the ankle joint. Tendons connect muscles to bones so they can move the ankle and foot, maintaining joint stability. Ankle issues are usually linked to sports injuries. But you don’t have to be a “weekend warrior” or even an athlete to twist your ankle and hurt it. A painful, incapacitating sprain can be brought on by something as easy as walking on an uneven surface.

Any person, regardless of age, can hurt their ankle. In contrast to women over the age
of 30, who have higher rates than men, men between the ages of 15 and 24 had higher
rates of ankle sprains. Half of ankle sprains occur in athletes.

Ankle injuries cause over a million people to visit emergency rooms each year. Sprains
and fractures, which affect the ligaments and bones in the ankle, are the two most
frequent types of ankle injuries. A tendon can, however, also be ripped or strained.


ankle injury

Strains of muscles and tendons are more frequent in the lower back and legs. Two tendons in the ankle are frequently stretched. The peroneal tendons serve to support and safeguard the ankle. They may swell up as a result of trauma or misuse. A sudden stress or force causes acute tendon tears. Tendinitis is the medical term for an inflamed tendon. Tendinosis is a condition brought on by microscopic tendon tears that don’t heal properly and accumulate over time as a result of repeated overstretching. Tendons may rupture as well. A tendon that slips out of place is referred to as a subluxation.

Anatomy of the Ankle

Three bones converge at the ankle in a joint:

Your talus, a little bone with a cone-like structure, is located between your heel and your tibia or fibula.

Ankle Injuries Types

Any injury to one of those structures may result in sudden ankle discomfort. Among physically active, athletic people, the most typical ankle injuries are:

Signs you sprained your ankle

Signs and Symptoms: –


Ankle pain is not typically brought on by a sudden accident or injury. It could also be persistent or chronic. The following conditions can cause chronic ankle discomfort:


The best way to protect your child’s ankles is to ensure that they are properly physically prepared for the sport. This includes having high balance, flexibility, and endurance.

Self-care to be taken

There is no need to seek medical attention right away if the pain is not severe, the ankle can move fully, the strength and sensibility are normal,
and there is no misalignment.
Many ankle injuries are made better by self-care techniques. Start by using the RICE approach to treat the injury at home: –

Even with the best care, the ankle may swell, be stiff, or hurt for a few weeks.

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