Hip Pain Exercises

Medically Reviewed By : Dr Sravya, MBBS, MS 


Chronic hip pain is commonly seen among adults over 60 years of age. Most adults accept the pain as a part of growing old. Pain in the hips makes everyday activities a task. People change their gait (how they walk) to minimize the pain or depend on pain-relieving medications and experience multiple side effects. Hip pain could result from conditions affecting the muscles, ligaments, and soft tissues of the buttocks, outer and inner thighs, and hip joints.

Are you sick of that annoying shoulder pain that simply won’t go away? You’re not at all alone! Shoulder pain can be extremely painful. But don’t worry; we’ve got some great shoulder pain relief exercises that can help you say goodbye to that pain. So sit back, relax, and prepare to learn the secrets of pain-free shoulder!

hip pain exercises

Common Causes of Hip Pain

The first step in handling hip pain is to contact an orthopedist (a doctor of bones, muscles, and joints). It is important that you follow the doctor’s instructions. You should exercise only if recommended, as some conditions may get worse even with routine exercises.

In this article, we will discuss the benefits of exercising and the different targeted exercises to strengthen the muscles and alleviate hip pain.

What are the Different Types of Exercises?

What to Keep in Mind While Exercising

(i) The butterfly pose: Sit comfortably with your back straight. Fold your legs and hold your feet close to your body. Make sure that the soles of both feet touch each other. Now clasp your feet with your hands and gently press the knees as far towards the floor as possible. This exercise opens the hip and pelvic muscles.

(ii) Knee lifts: Lie down on your back. Now bend the right knee and lift it towards your chest with the help of your hands. Keep the left leg straight. Hold this pose for 10 seconds and repeat it with the other leg. Repeat about 2-3 times in the beginning and increase the repetitions once the muscles are stronger. Once you are comfortable, you can repeat this exercise by bending both knees together and lifting them to the chest.

(iii) Hip rotations: Bend both knees close to the body while lying on the mat. Take both bent knees to the right and try to touch them to the ground. Turn your head to the opposite side while keeping both shoulders on the mat. Now repeat the process by taking both knees to the left side.

(iv) Front and Back Hip movements: Stand on the floor with legs shoulder-width apart. Take the support of a chair or wall and raise the right leg as high as is comfortable. Now take it back and repeat. Continue moving the leg back and forth 10 times. Now switch legs. Remember to keep your knees stretched.

(v) Right to left movement of legs: Take the starting position similar to the previous exercise. Move the right leg to the right without rotating the hip. Hold it for a count of 5 and then bring it back. Repeat this 10 times for both legs.

(vi) Heel to Buttock movement: Stand with the support of a chair or facing a wall. Bend the right knee and take the heel to the buttocks. Remember to be gentle and mindful of the pain. Repeat for the left leg.

(vii) The Cow Pose: Go on all fours with your back straight and parallel to the floor. Ensure your hands are below your shoulders and your knees are directly below your hips. Now raise your head and tailbone up while inhaling so that your back is arched. Hold for a few seconds and relax before repeating. You can combine this exercise with the cat pose, where the chin is tucked in while exhaling, and the back is rounded all the way from the neck to the tailbone.

(viii) Spinal twists while sitting or lying down can relieve spasms and relax the muscles of the lower back, sides, and hips. The twist happens at the level of the navel while the rest of the body faces forward.

(ix) Lie down with your legs up against a wall: This allows lymphatic drainage and eases the pressure on the back and hips.

(x) The Bridge Pose: Lie down on your back with your arms by your sides. Bend your knees so that they are facing the ceiling. Now, slowly push your hips up by using your arms for support. Hold for a few seconds and slowly return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 2-3 times.

Start with light exercises and deepen your practice with more complex stretches once your muscle and joint strength improve. Be gentle with yourself to avoid further injury.


Hip pain can worsen and affect your quality of life. It requires targeted exercises. Select the exercises that work best for you and make them a part of your routine. Consistency is important to reach your goal of a healthy hip joint. However, you need to consult a doctor if the pain increases. You may also exercise under the supervision of a physiotherapist if required.

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