How to Prevent Wrist Strain from Prolonged Use of a Mouse or Keyboard

Medically Reviewed By : Dr Chandana, MBBS, MS 


Prolong use of a mouse or keyboard can lead to wrist strain, discomfort, and even long-term injuries if it is neglected for a long time. By understanding the importance, we should be cautious regarding our health by taking frequent breaks and specific exercise of wrist stretches that increases the wrist health. Improper positioning and repetitive moments can lead to discomfort, pain, or even a long-term condition like tendonitis. By making a few adjustments to your setup, taking regular breaks, and using the right tools, you can minimize strain and ensure a more comfortable and productive work environment.  

We can prevent that by involving some steps

How to Prevent Wrist Strain from Prolonged Use of a Mouse or Keyboard

Ergonomic Setup

Correct Posture

Breaks and Stretching

Reduce Grip Tension

Keyboard Shortcuts

Consider Ergonomic Tools

And  by following these also involve some of wrist exercises to prevent discomfort and long-term medical conditions

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