Physiotherapy for sciatica

Medically Reviewed By : Dr Sravya, MBBS, MS 


Sciatica is a common condition, sciatica is named after the sciatic nerve, sciatic
nerve runs from buttocks to the back portion of both the legs. Sciatica is
characterised by pain along the sciatic nerve, from the lower back to one or both
legs. Pain is the result of compression or irritation of the sciatic nerve. Pain can
range from mild to severe. Pain is accompanied by tingling numbness along the
course of the nerve.

causes of knee pain

What causes sciatica:

Sciatic nerve is the largest nerve of the body, when it is compressed or irritated it causes pain and discomfort along the course of the nerve resulting in sciatica. Some common causes of sciatica include:

Symptoms of sciatica:

Diagnosis of sciatica:

Diagnosis of Sciatica involves a series of evaluations which come under the supervision of either a neurologist or orthopaedic surgeon.
Lets go into a detailed description of the diagnosis of sciatica

Treatment of Sciatica:

Treatment of Sciatica aims to reduce intense pain, and to treat the underlying cause so that patients can lead normal lives without pain.

Importance of Physiotherapy in sciatica:

As sciatica is a painful condition it has serious effects on physical and mental health. So needs proper guidance for the treatment and physiotherapy sessions for sciatica Physiotherapy may take some time to gain muscle strength but its effective enough to alleviate pain permanently and it has benefited patients in recent years in a way that it has been a popular treatment for sciatica

Benefits of physiotherapy over other treatments:


Ultimately, physiotherapy aims to manage the pain of sciatica and enhance the overall quality of life for individuals with sciatica by improving mobility, and restoring functionality, allowin g them to return to their daily activities.

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