ACL Tear Surgery

Medically Reviewed By: Dr Sravya, MBBS, MS 


One of the four main knee ligaments is the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). It assists in preserving the stability and proper motion of the knee. Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears or ruptures are the most frequent knee injuries. ACL damage is often treated with arthroscopic ACL reconstruction. ACL tear surgery or Surgery to replace your torn ACL is called arthroscopic ACL reconstruction. The ACL, a ligament in the knee, connects the tibia (shin bone) and femur (thigh bone). Strong tissues called ligaments attach bones together. 

ACL surgery is a minimally invasive procedure that can lessen discomfort, enhance joint stability and mechanics, and stop further injury. ACL surgery recovery could last up to a year. Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears are a common knee injury. Although anyone can get hurt, athletes, particularly basketball players, volleyball, soccer, and football, are particularly likely to do so.

In the middle of your knee is where the ACL is placed. It aids in regulating the interaction between your shin and thigh bones. An ACL injury frequently happens when you’re moving and stop quickly or unexpectedly, such as when you land a jump wrongly or stop suddenly while sprinting.

Surgery is advised as a treatment for some ACL damage patients. Surgery can repair the knee, prevent it from failing, and shield it from additional harm.

acl tear surgery

When should an ACL tear patient consider surgery?

Surgeryis not always necessary for ACL tears. Usually, a medical expert will advise surgery if:

while walking or performing other regular activities, your knee sways.

Your job needs agility or knee strength

You play sports.

You exercise regularly.

Your additional knee ligaments were hurt as well.

What occurs throughout an ACL Reconstruction Surgery?

A person will have an intravenous (IV) line implanted in their arm prior to the surgery. The surgical team can administer anaesthetics, sedatives, or other drugs through the IV throughout the treatment. Once the graft tissue has been chosen, the surgeon will either extract it surgically from the patient’s body or utilise a sample taken from a cadaver. The tendon is then fitted with anchor points so that it can be surgically grafted into the knee.

A small incision will be made in the front of the knee when the surgeon is ready to implant an arthroscope. This slim tube houses a fibre-optic camera and medical equipment.

The surgeon will first clean the region and remove the damaged ACL. They will next make tiny holes in the tibia and femur so they can insert posts, screws, washers, or staples to secure the bone anchors. The surgeon will check the knee’s range of motion and tension after attaching the graft to make sure it is securely fastened. The surgeon will then patch the incision, support it with a brace, and close the opening with stitches. Usually, the patient returns home the same day as the procedure.

Non-operative therapy is preferred for patients who:

Surgical intervention is preferred when the patient:

 Since most patients fall into one of these two categories, each patient’s response to treatment should always be considered individually.

Can an ACL tear be repaired non-operatively?

ACL tears can be treated non-surgically.  Modifying your activities to relieve pressure on your knee, going through physical therapy to strengthen the muscles around your knee and in the back of your thigh, and wearing a brace to stabilize your knee are all parts of healing an ACL tear. Although the ACL itself cannot be repaired with these procedures, they can help you manage the injury.

These treatments can, for many people, reduce pain, stop instability, and let you engage in low-impact activities like swimming. Following an ACL damage, your knee won’t be stable enough for activities where pivoting, spinning, or cutting while running are required.

How long does an ACL injury recovery period last?

Your specific circumstances, such as the injury’s seriousness, the sort of surgery you underwent, and how well you respond to physical therapy, will determine how long it takes you to heal.

Athletes can safely resume their prior level of activity after between 8 months and 1 year.

It may take 4 to 8 months for non-athletes or those who are not performing at a high level of performance to fully recover.

Your physical therapist and medical staff will keep a close eye on your recuperation along the way. Going too fast or engaging in activities that have not been approved by your team should be avoided because doing so puts too much strain on your knee and increases your chance of reinjury.

Before picking up where you left off, it’s critical to make sure your knee is fully recovered. A weak knee is much more likely to sustain an injury again.

ACL Surgery Cost: -

Depending on a number of variables, some of which are in your control and some of which are not, the typical cost of arthroscopic ACL restoration surgery in India ranges from Rs. 1,20,000 to Rs. 2,50,000.

ACL and Meniscus Surgery: -

ACL tear surgery or Surgery to replace your torn ACL is called arthroscopic ACL reconstruction. Surgery is routinely used to remove or repair a torn meniscus, a piece of cartilage in the knee.

A few minor incisions are needed, and the procedure takes roughly an hour. It takes a few weeks for recovery and rehabilitation. The operation can ease your discomfort, increase your mobility and stability, and allow you to resume your daily activities.

Surgery to remove or repair a torn meniscus, a portion of cartilage in the knee, is known as meniscus surgery.

Arthroscopy Meniscus Surgery: -

Knee arthroscopy is the most popular surgery for a torn meniscus. Most of the time, it takes less than an hour.

You first experience anaesthesia. Your knee’s skin is cleaned by the surgical team, and a surgical drape is placed over the rest of your leg. Your upper thigh can receive a clamp from the surgical team to aid with placement.

Your knee receives a few portals, which are tiny stab incisions (cuts). The team then injects a sterile solution into the knee joint. The fluid scrubs away debris from the joint and controls mild bleeding, allowing the surgeon to look into the joint.

An arthroscope, a tiny instrument, is inserted into the incision by the surgeon. An arthroscope is a short tube with a camera and a little light at the end. A display receives video images from the camera placed within your knee.

The surgeon examines the tear with an arthroscope to determine the best surgical method to use:

Meniscus repair: The doctor rejoins damaged cartilage fragments so that they can mend naturally. Less than 10% of tears can truly be repaired due to tear type and blood supply.

Trimming and removing only the diseased cartilage, leaving the healthy meniscus tissue intact, is known as a partial meniscectomy.

Depending on the approach being used, your surgeon may implant extra surgical instruments. The surgeon uses stitches or surgical strips to close the portals when the meniscectomy or meniscus repair is finished. Your knee will then be bandaged by the team.