Mortons neuroma it's causes, symptoms and treatment

Medically Reviewed By : Dr Sravya, MBBS, MS 


There are several believed causing explanations including chronic repeated trauma, entrapment, and intermetatarsal bursitis for the widespread ailment known as Morton’s neuroma, which primarily affects middle-aged women.

Although histological investigation confirms the presence of inflammation in the tissue that is, perineural fibrosis—incorrect terminology suggests that the underlying disease process is a nerve tumor. The third planter is most frequently damaged, along with the common digital nerve and its branches. 

Ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging may be used to assist in the diagnosis, which is typically determined by the collection of a medical history and clinical examination. Special orthotics, shoe modifications, injections of steroids, sclerosing agents, and local anesthetics are some of the current conservative therapy options. Nerve decompression or neurectomy are the two main surgical therapy options.

It is a distressing foot ailment resulting from the thickening of tissue around one of the nerves that lead to the toes. While not a true neuroma or tumor, this condition stems from repetitive compression or irritation. It commonly affects the area between the third and fourth toes, though other regions may also be impacted. We will explore the causes, symptoms, and a range of possible treatments for it in this detailed guide.

Morton’s Neuroma

Causes of Morton's Neuroma:

The precise cause of Morton’s neuroma isn’t always evident, but several factors can contribute to its development:

Symptoms of Morton's Neuroma:

It may result in a variety of distressing symptoms, varying in severity from person to person. Common symptoms include:


Diagnosing involves a comprehensive examination by a healthcare professional or a podiatrist. The process typically includes:

It should be diagnosed in the differential with lumbar radiculopathy, tarsal tunnel syndrome, metatarsal stress fractures, painful plantar callosity linked to hammertoes and claw toes, Freiberg’s infraction, peripheral neuritis and neuropathy, intermetatarsal bursitis, rheumatoid arthritis, metatarsal tumors, and soft tissue tumors of the forefoot.

Treatment Options:

Treatment for Morton’s neuroma aims to relieve pain, reduce inflammation, and alleviate pressure on the affected nerve. The severity of the ailment and the patient’s choices influence the therapy option.

1. Conservative treatment:

Before surgery it is advised, frequently uses conservative treatments like low-heeled, wide, and comfortable shoes with large toe boxes, a metatarsal bar, a metatarsal pad, arch support, custom foot orthoses, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and infrequent injections of a corticosteroid and local anesthetic mixture into the involved web space.

Typically, these nonsurgical treatments are kept up for about a year before considering surgical surgery. It is excised as an outpatient procedure by a dorsal incision while an ankle nerve block is applied when surgery is necessary.To establish hemostasis, the ankle is wrapped in a 6-inch elastic bandage.

2. Surgical Treatment:


Recovery and Post-Treatment Care:

Shoulder pain reduction exercises can be highly successful in terms of reducing pain and increasing shoulder movement. You can successfully control your shoulder pain throughout your life by knowing when and how to practice these exercises. Before beginning any health program, contact your doctor, particularly if you have an existing shoulder issue. Maintain regularity and patience, and you’ll soon have a healthier, pain-free shoulder.

Congratulations! You now have a lot of information on shoulder pain reduction exercises. We’ve looked at the best times to do specific exercises and given full instructions on how to do them. It’s time to put all of this useful information to use and say goodbye to that annoying shoulder discomfort!


While it may not always be possible to prevent the tumor, certain measures can reduce the risk of developing this condition:


It is a painful foot condition brought on by irritation and compression of the nerves. It can cause severe discomfort and impair a person’s ability to move around and carry out regular tasks. Effective symptom management can be achieved with early diagnosis and proper therapy, which can range from non- surgical therapies to surgical operations. If you have recurrent foot pain or believe you may have a tumour, you should see a doctor or podiatrist right once to get a proper diagnosis and individualised treatment.

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